Adding Google assistant to control LED

 Today we are adding Google Assistant to control the LED of the previous project

Configuring IFTTT to Trigger the LED [ basics ]

First you need to register to IFTTT which is available in Android and ios platform.

Check it out--

After Registering in my applet section create a new applet. You can create 3 applet.

As you create it will shown as "If This , then That" 

Click on "If This " add  button then, search for Google Assistant then click " say a simple pharse" 

It shows "What do you want to say" now you can type anything to your choice

Eg: Turn on My LED Light  

2nd & 3rd also like that Bla Bla bla

Then You you type what assistant want to response

Eg: Ok Hari turning on the LED light

After " Create Trigger"

Then That-- click add

Search for Webhooks and select that click "Make a web request"

First yellow part in the above link is the IP address of blynk platform

The red part is the authenitication Token You get from blynk in the registration So change it accordingly

After that you need update which pin of the Node MCU is to changed.


Content type--application/json

Body--["1"] for turn on led  & ["0'] for turn off led, So you can choose 

Then Create Action That's It You create a applet to turn on the LED If you are using ["1']

To Off the led use ["0"]

Hope You get it!



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