Wi-Fi Repeater Using NODEMCU esp2866

 Wi-Fi Repeater Using NodeMCU esp8266

Components Required:

1.  NodeMCU esp8266    [  https://amzn.to/3mSrqqc  ]


In this project we do not need any other external connection. You need power up the board using USB cable or 5v to VIN and GND.

Firmware File :

You need to download the files from here, DOWNLOAD

Connect ESP8266 to computer By USB cable

After downloading the files  open flash_download_tools_v3.6.7.exe

Select ESP8266 Download tool and in SPI Download section select the Two Bin files given in the download file [ 0x00000.bin & 0x02000.bin ]

Crystal Freq : 80 MHz

SPI Mode : QIO 

FLASH Size : 32 Mbit

After That Hit the START Button

Working :

Power Up the MCU then you will see a myAP network in wi-fi 

connect it and in URl section of browser type It will load the firware setup

In the First Section Provide your Modem Wi-Fi Credentials and click connect

In the second section you need to provide the repeater Wi-Fi name and password you need then click the SET button.

That's all enjoy 😘

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