Sinric pro home automation project works with Alexa and Google Home

Ultimate Home Automation using Sinric Pro 

This is an Ultimate Home Automation System which can control Home appliances using

 Google Home , Amazon Alexa , Sinric Pro Application (available in playstore).

Let's Quickly Jump into " How to Build it ? "

Components Required :

1.  Node ESP8266  --

2.  4-channel Relay Board (with wires)  --

3.  Jumper Wires  --

4.  Bread Board  (optional)  --

Setting Up Sinric Pro  

1. Go to

2. Register a new account

3. Go to devices section and add device then save

4. You can add 3 device for free after you need more then subscribe

5. Note down the Device id's and Credentials for further use

6. That's all in sinric pro we will come back later


You can Download code and circuit diagram from Here - DOWNLOAD

1. Open Library Manager (Tools / Manage Libraries)

2. Search for SinricPro and click Install

3. Then install AndroidJson by Benoit Blanchon (minimum Version 6.12.0)  and Websockets by Markus Sattler (minimum Version 2.2.0)

 4. Install esp8266 board in board manger

Change in code --

Provide Your device ID from Sinric Pro

Change your Wi-Fi name & password then, Enter your APP_KEY and APP_SECRET

After Hit the Upload Button

Connect board to PC then open serial moniter (press reset button in esp)

Check the serial monitor to observe the board is  successfully connected to internet.

Upload the code


Circuit diagram:



Refer my video for further details 

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